The Conservative Grace Brethren Churches International, is a fellowship of autonomous churches who cooperate together to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 of the Bible. These churches base their cooperation on commonly held biblical beliefs as stated in the CGBCI statement of faith. Our desire is to practice these beliefs in harmony with the historic Grace Brethren position forged from the Anabaptist tradition.
The history of the Brethren movement began in 1708 with Alexander Mack in Schwarzenau, Germany. He and other like-minded believers desired to please God through obedience to God's Word wholly, even at the cost of personal suffering. Our desire is the same. Because of this, our preaching is expository and our worship is not given to theological fads.
Our motto is the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible.
May God be praised forever and ever!
Want to know what we believe? View our statement of faith